Placing an order

Can I cancel my order?

Orders can be cancelled within a 1-hour time frame after placing your order. Unfortunately if your order has already been processed or if the 1-hour time frame has exceeded we cannot cancel your order anymore. For cancellation please contact us as soon as possible:

Do you have a discount code for new customers?

As for now we don’t have any valid discount codes available for new customers, we do occasionally have ongoing sales.


When will my order be shipped?

All orders that are placed before 14:00/2PM CET (Mon-Fri) will be shipped the same day.

When will I receive my order?

Since we ship to various countries for estimated transit time we advice you to check our shipping policy.

My package got returned to you

So sorry to hear you haven’t received your order. If your order got returned to us due to various reasons we will refund you the amount as soon as it reaches us. If you still want the products you can place a new order. 


Can I return my product(s)?

All products in original state, unopened, unused and in its original packaging can be returned to us within 14 days after receival. To be eligible for a return you must sent us an e-mail requesting for a return first. Products sent back without requesting a return will not be accepted. A proof of purchase or receipt is needed when requesting a return. Please note: return shipping fees are a responsibility of the customer.

When can I expect my refund?

Depending on the chosen payment method or your bank it can take up to a few working days to have the amount back in your account.

Can I exchange my product(s)?

The only way to exchange your product(s) is by returning the product(s) you don’t want to us and placing a new order to receive the product(s) you do want.